Bycatch in drift gillnet fisheries: A sink for Indian Ocean cetaceans

Elliott, B., Kiszka, J.J., Bonhommeau, S., Shahid, U., Lent, R., Nelson, L., Read, A.J.
Journal/Publisher Name
Conservation Letters
Volume (Issue #)
Page #s
Contact information
Brianna Elliott, Duke University Marine Laboratory, USA-

In the Indian Ocean tuna gillnet fisheries, cetacean bycatch is very high, but it is understudied and poorly understood. This paper investigates the issue and makes specific recommendations to strengthen knowledge and management: improve catch and bycatch reporting, increase research and analyses of cetaceans in the region in order to assess bycatch, revise the conservation measure adopted to address the bycatch of cetaceans in IOTC fisheries (Resolution 23/06) to include additional reporting for gillnets operating in EEZs, and expand the use of mitigation methods, such as setting gillnets 2m below the surface.