The response of sea turtles to vocalizations opens new perspectives to reduce their bycatch

Chevallier, D., Maucourt, L., Charrier, I., Lelong, P., Le Gall, Y., Menut, E., Wallace, B., Delvenne, C., Vincze, O., Jeantet, L., Girondot, M.
Journal/Publisher Name
Scientific Reports
Volume (Issue #)
Page #s
Contact information
Damian Chevallier, BOREA Research Institute, France-

This study recorded and analyzed vocalizations of green sea turtles off the Carribbean island of Martinique, and identified which sounds seemed to be linked to flight, fear, and social aspects. When these recordings of sea turtles were played to wild sea turtles, they demonstrated behavioral responses (vigilance and/or escape) to the sounds they produce, suggesting that acoustic deterrents may be effective to reduce sea turtle bycatch. Sea turtles did not respond to synthetic or geophonic noises.


Field Studies