Fishery Animal Interactions

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Understanding interactions between non-target species and fishing operations
Efforts to eliminate threats to large whales from entanglements in fishing gear
Anderson Cabot Center for Marine Life, University of New Hampshire, Bellequant Engineering
Studies of North Atlantic right whale vision and behavior when exposed to different colors are helping to identify the potential of visually enhanced fishing gear to increase bycatch avoidance.
Kean University, Anderson Cabot Center for Marine Life
A review of the physiology and behaviors of sharks to inform the selection of potential bycatch reduction techniques, and how they might be implemented effectively.
University of California-Los Angeles, New England Aquarium, Ocean Classrooms, Shark Advocates International, NOAA Southeast Fisheries Science Center
Studying actual whale entanglement cases to identify promising bycatch reduction measures
Provincetown Center for Coastal Studies,
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
The Consortium is engaged in studies focused on reducing cetacean bycatch in longline fisheries, including short-finned pilot whales in North Carolina pelagic longlines.
Duke University, University of North Carolina-Wilmington
Under this project the habitat use of loggerhead sea turtles was studied in Pamlico Sound, North Carolina, to see the extent to which they interact with gillnet fishing gear.
Duke University