Performance of pulse trawling compared to conventional beam trawling

van Marlen, B., Grift, R., van Keeken, O., Ybema, M.S. and van Hal, R.
Journal/Publisher Name
Institute for Marine Resources and Ecosystem Studies
Volume (Issue #)
Report C014/06
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Studies were conducted aboard beam trawlers in the North Sea to determine the performance of pulse beam compared to conventional tickler chain beam trawlers.  Overall the pulse beam trawl caught 68% less than the conventional trawls.  Specifically, the pulse beam trawl caught significantly fewer plaice and sole compared to the conventional beam trawl. There was no significant difference in catch rates of undersized plaice between the two gears but the pulse beam trawl caught significantly less undersized sole.  Pulse beam trawls caught more turbot and brill (78%-131%) than conventional trawls but fewer cod (15%-60%).  In addition, catch rates of bottom species, including sandstar, common starfish and swimming crabs, were significantly less when the pulse beam trawl was used.