Effectiveness of rigid grate for excluding Pacific halibut, Hippoglossus stenolepis, from groundfish trawl catches

Rose, C.S., Gauvin, J.R.
Journal/Publisher Name
Marine Fisheries Review
Volume (Issue #)
Page #s
Contact information
Alaska Fisheries Science Center
National Marine Fisheries Service

Groundfish trawl nets were fitted with a rigid grate in an effort to exclude Pacific halibut while retaining the target species.  The grate was placed in front of the trawl codend, which allowed the target species to pass through while Pacific halibut escape.  Escape rates of Pacific halibut were 94% when the grate was used while 72%, 67% and 79% of Dover sole, rex sole and flathead sole were retained respectively.  These values were significantly different except for flathead sole.  The only size class of halibut that passed through the gate in large proportions were less than 3 kg.